Client Highlights & News
The past year has been unlike any other we’ve experienced. And yet, our entrepreneurial clients have persevered, pivoted, and adapted to this new environment. We couldn’t be prouder of the work we’ve accomplished together and wanted to take a minute...
8 Media Training Tips for a Successful Zoom Interview
Your PR efforts have succeeded and you’ve landed a Zoom media interview with a big media outlet. Nice going! It’s thrilling to have an opportunity to share your product or service with a big audience. This is your chance at the big-time. So what’s...
6 Tips for Looking Your Best on a Zoom Media Interview
[Photo by Good Faces on Unsplash] In the “before times,” media interviews were often done in person or by phone. But now, many are being conducted on Zoom, which can be a little intimidating. Some take place via live broadcasts like this one of our client Barbara...